OpenEar 3D Temporal Bones
OpenEar 3D Temporal Bones
Order enough for repeated hands-on practice.
Made in small batches restocked monthly.
Featuring normal human anatomy including:
- bony contour
- suprameatal spine (Henle's spine)
- mastoid air cells
- digastric ridge
- tegmen tympani
- petrosquamosal lamina (Körner's/Koerner's septum)
- antrum
- tympanic membrane
- malleus
- incus
- stapes
- facial nerve
- chorda tympani nerve
- vestibulocochlear nerve
- promontory
- cochlea
- round window
- lateral semicircular canal
- posterior semicircular canal
- superior semicircular canal
- sigmoid sinus
- jugular bulb
- emissary vein
- carotid artery
- dura mater
Every Practice Enhances Another
We give one 3D temporal bone to a surgeon in need for every purchase of
an annual subscription, ten temporal bones, or Otology Case™ portable laboratory.
Made in the United States by otolaryngology resident, Michelle Higgins.
Temporal bones are adapted from the OpenEar Dataset by Daniel Sieber, et al., used under CC BY 4.0.
All information provided on this webpage is based on the current development stage of the product and is subject to change.