Augment Surgical Education

"Safe, immersive operative rehearsal advances safe, efficient ENT care for healthier patients and communities." - Michelle Higgins, MD, PhD, Founder

Augment Surgery is a simulation technology company with the mission to ensure inclusive and equitable access to otolaryngology surgical education while caring for people and the planet.

Inclusive and equitable access means making the technology that Augment develops as broadly available as possible. Toward this end, Augment's products and services are sold globally at competitive prices meant to increase access for surgeons in low- to middle-income countries. Surgeons who cannot afford them or access them for whatever reason can qualify to receive donated surgical simulators.

To date, Augment and its partners have donated over 400 3D-printed temporal bones to 17 otolaryngology residency programs and medical schools in 12 countries.

Choosing Augment means you're choosing to outfit medical students, resident surgeons, and professional surgeons all over the world with the tissues, tools, and teachers needed to practice life-changing procedures.

Inclusive and equitable access also means maintaining an open philosophy regarding research and development with the commitment to enhance everyone's practice by sharing skills, knowledge, and technology. Send your feedback to and join our Community of Practice to share what you know and to learn even more.

Caring for people and planet means aligning business decisions and actions with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) whenever possible. Augment seeks to contribute the most to quality education (SDG 4) and reduced inequalities (SDG 10) with cross-cutting contributions to good health and well-being (SDG 3), industry innovation (SDG 9), and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).

As the first step forward, Augment's manufacturing practices are meant to avoid harm by choosing biohazard-free, biobased, biodegradable, and recycled materials whenever available and appropriate for simulating a given surgery.